Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Don't you wanna know why it keeps getting hotter?

I've been sick. Again. With a fever of of 39.9 (that's over 103) and sweat rushing like a glacier melt between my breasts every time I sat up. There was a lot of vomiting. Shaking. Bizarre dreams and the guy above me funnelling his party noises straight into my bedroom on a Saturday night. There was me praying God would strike all the revellers sick and send them home. And me not knowing what to do, what to do, what to do in the middle of the night with the fever climbing and me not even knowing where the hospital was. And then the next day there was me being driven to the emergency for an I.V. and some tests and, good glory, I love me a saline drip.
The nicest thing about a kidney infection is that it isn't contagious. India would be no fun at all with one and someone's gotta keep up moral around here when the momma goes down. She's doing a pretty fine job of it. She told me yesterday that she had been too hot at school in her bright orange tights and skirt and so to fix the problem she took off her skirt. Problem fixed. The image of my baby girl in her long scrawny legs walking around class in her big runners and orange tights until the teacher noticed and told her to put her skirt back on gave me a whole lot of joy that's gonna last awhile.


Greg said...

please..be better. its what i'm praying for you. and more.

deanna said...

Well, we knew you were a hot mama, but this is a little over the top, perhaps. Sorry again for the sickness. Please don't stay sick of the USA. And I hope catching up with school will happen without too much trouble.

Angela said...

thanks, mr. hill. i'm getting there.

deanna, i think i've done it - caught up. whoot whoo!

Anonymous said...

I can totally picture india's long legs in orange tights that made me laugh miss you lots luv yah kim
ps nate said today " mmmm yummy, cake your delicious" hope that makes you laugh he is turning out to be as funny as anna.

Jodi said...

Oh, Ang. Poor you. How terrifying to be so sick so far away from home. I've been thinking of you lots. Now I'll have to include a prayer or two in there as well.

Oh, Indy. You're the best.

Moff said...

Just reading this now... I had a kidney infection in April and it is the sickest I've ever been in my *life*. I'm sorry you went throught this and I hope the uni has you covered with very, very good insurance.