Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Things That Delight

Marilynne Robinson tied the bow on my dress this Sunday.

India gave her first ever reading of a poem and two jokes that she wrote to a packed house on Friday. It was pure awesomeness.

Nick Flynn is coming to class next semester and I am dying, dying of happiness.

One of India's babysitters just published a piece in the The York Times.

I was just accepted to go to Corfu for two weeks this summer to write. Ha!

I'm taking a class on St. Augustin next semester.

We're going home in nine days!


deanna said...

Last evening I thought about the two of you and prayed. Couldn't have imagined all these goodnesses. Wish I could've seen you first meeting Marilynne R. So glad you can go home for Christmas. Yay for Augustine.

I have a friend who was just published in the NYT. Gary Presley, in Modern Love. These are fun times.

Janna Barber said...

I'm quite a bit jealous right now. I'm not sure I still like you and want to be your friend.

When are you gonna brave a road trip down south?

Angela said...

reading that you prayed for me made my heart so fat and happy. thank you.

i KNOW! i'm so into a road trip. it's gotta happen. it's going to happen!

Rachel Yoder said...
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Rachel Yoder said...

Wait, wait, wait. Nick Flynn is coming next semester??????? When? And where? He is my FAVE.

Also, I'm going to Corfu, too (rhymes).

Also, I bet India's jokes are amazing.