Wednesday, December 16, 2009


If you pray, at all, I need you to stop and pray for my momma and my little brother and sisters - the three foster kids. Please. Please? It's not an over statement to say that their entire lives are about to be determined for good, or for very very bad today, in the next few hours, and my family is on the verge of collapsing and we really need your love. Stranger or not. We need you.


Unknown said...


deanna said...

Praying now. So sorry.

Greg said...

i am..

Evelyn in Canada said...

I may be late, but I'll start now.

Anonymous said...

it seems to me that eternity itself holds it's breathe in moments like these as man hovers on decisions that will devastate or build... shalom to your heart Angela

Angela said...

thank you all so, so, so much. thank you.

the good won out over the very very bad. thank you.

cecily said...

i'm sorry i missed this and only found it now when all is resolved and you are happily home in the embrace of love and family... wishing you and yours a blessed time together.